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Children possess the innate gifts of open minds and tender hearts, uniquely poised to absorb information more effectively than adults.  By delving into themes of justice, immigration, kindness and compassion, we intend to broaden their young minds and engage them in meaningful conversations that challenge their perspectives and encourage critical thinking.  With this we are instilling fundamental values in their early years, and laying the foundation for them to become genuine followers of Christ as adults. 

Our children's resource books include:



















Holy Stranger on Amazon


Holy Stranger

Revisits the story of our very own Lord and Savior, who was himself an immigrant and refugee. It's a perspective of the story that is rarely centered. 

If we teach this part of Jesus’ story to our children at a young age, we may be less inclined to avoid or be afraid of the conversation with one another. Our Savior’s story is a story about how we should welcome the stranger.       






















Doki, the immigrant dog on Amazon


Doki, the immigrant dog

It's based on a true and heartfelt story that will resonate with all pet lovers. This book is also a tender account of the immigration story—a Venezuelan family who flees unsafe conditions, weathering dangers to walk to the Mexico-USA border. Along the way, they bring along with them Doki, the family’s dog.


Woven throughout the immigration story is the love and care for animals that is shared across borders. The story also captures the struggles that the family faces while trying to reach safety and asylum. Through Doki’s journey, readers are presented with questions of identity, big life changes, a story of survival, the boundaries that exist, and of course love.

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Challenge the idea of kindness and what it means to be welcoming



It is common practice to teach kids to “be nice to everyone.” In reality, our Lord and Savior calls us for more. He calls us to be more than nice, and to instead be “kind” and to “welcome” those who are different from us–strangers, immigrants, refugees and outcasts. What does it look like to bring into the fold people who look different than us, speak a different language, eat different foods, have different traditions, are strangers in a strange land, and are vulnerable and needy? 


In the New Testament, the Greek word used for “hospitality” is translated to mean “love of strangers.” Hospitality is a virtue that is both commanded and commended throughout Scripture. As parents, it is our job to show our children how these strangers in a strange land oftentimes face mistreatment, inequality, abuse and far more barriers than people who have had time to establish roots in a place.


Today there are many immigrants or strangers among us who need our help in every area of their lives, our kindness and hospitality. God calls us to help them, even though sometimes that feels inconvenient or difficult. We can know that by showing strangers warm and generous-hearted hospitality, we are welcoming Jesus himself. 



Connect with us

  • Host our traveling gallery, displaying handwritten stories and photographs of immigrants

  • Host a storytelling event, in which a group of immigrants will share their stories in front of a live audience.

  • Attend our 6-week e-course of "The Truth in Our Stories" with a facilitator to deepen your understanding of each one of the powerful stories that have so much to unpack.  


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